Thursday, September 6, 2012


" If you dip into any college,or school, or parish, or family- ANYTHING you like- at a given point in it's History, you will always find that there was a time before that point when there was more elbow room and contrasts weren't so sharp; and that there's going to be a time after that point when there was even less room for indecision and choices are even MORE MOMENTOUS, good is always getting better and bad is always getting worse, the possibilities of even apparent neutrality are always diminishing."

                                                                                                            C.S. Lewis-
                                                                                                        That Hideous Strength

Down here in the country we heard that the Democrats decided to take the word " GOD" out of their platform... and I also heard there is a CLEARER, STRONGER support for abortion.... The quote from C.S. Lewis explains WHY this happened... there WAS a time in the Democrat Party when there WAS "more elbow room"; " contrasts were'nt so sharp"..... there was a time when PRO-LIFE , orthodox Jews and theologically conservative Christians could pull up a chair at the Democrat Party .... and let their voices be heard... that TIME HAS PASSED.... there is " Less room for indecision", "choices are even more momentous" ,"the possibilities of even apparent neutrality " have disappeared... The VOICES of the extreme left are dominating.. they have shouted down the blue dogs, the yellow dogs, or what ever you want to call them... It is a cry thats loud and shrill..." Choose YE this DAY who Ye will SERVE"....

The Christian Apologist Cornelius Van Til insisted that as time marches on... People will begin to be epistemologically self concious.. They will begin to act on what they KNOW( or what they THINK THEY KNOW)... they will begin to live consistently with their presuppositions.Now I am just an old goat barn cleaner.. so I have to break these jaw breaking words down a little.. I did a little thinking... consulted Mr Webster... and the best I can tell... all that means is this:   PEOPLE WILL START LIVING AND ACTING ACCORDING TO WHAT THEY SAY BELIEVE.

The Democrats believe that " God" has NO PLACE in political life or in Government.... they acted according to what they believe... they "voted Him out"

The Democrats believe that the baby in the Mother's Womb is NOT a person... They acted according to what they believe... they voted to proclaim their total support for abortion...

The time for sitting on the fence is over for the Democrats, the" Half hearted ", the "moderates", the "blue dogs", "yellow dogs" ;all those who believe in absolute standards of morality and ethics must now march in lock step with those of the extreme left.. those who adhere to a philosophy of situational ethics and relativism. This is the "PLATFORM" they stand on.... this platform is built of such weak and frail material-. the dregs and remains of societies and cultures long since passed.; Societies and Cultures that were built on the shifting sand of relativism and a rebellion against a culture of Life...

The Democrats are living and acting according to what they SAY they believe...

what about US??? what about those of us who claim to believe in absolute standards of morality?? those of us who SAY we believe in a culture of life...

will WE have the courage to really LIVE OUT what we SAY we believe???

May we be so blessed, so bold, and courageous...